There.s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says

J.A. Terranson measl at
Thu May 26 07:57:59 PDT 2011

On Thu, 26 May 2011, lodewijk andri de la porte wrote:

> @Alif,
  This isn't Twitter, and I don't Twit, so just the name will be fine.  

> will you stop blaming a single person on the flaws the entire
> American government had for years and years? Thanks.

I'm not.  I'm blaming him for being exactly the opposite of what he 
claimed.  Another genuine politician - the one thing that made his 
election over Hillary Clinton possible (McCain was a non-starter after he 
picked a VP that had the IQ of a broccoli) was that he ran on a platform 
of transparency, closing gitmo, rolling back the Unitary Executive theory, 
and destroying the assholes on wall st. who fucked the economy up so bad 
that nearly a third of the country is now on food stamps, while nearly 14% 
is unemployed (over 9% if you don't count the "uncounted, long term 
unemployed).  He ran on restraint, and an abhorrence of nation-building.

Just like every other asshole who runs for office, he now *owns* his 
failures, and as the current head of the USG, the failures of anything 
under the control of the executive branch.
> On another note, happy I'm not an American.

While I'm openly embarrased that I am.

> It seems that if then don't yet have a 'dragnet', which I doubt, they'll 
> have one soon enough.

On what planet are you living?  The "dragnet" term seems odd in this 
context, and I *think* you mean a kind of "enemies list", a'la Nixon 
( ).  The USG has been 
"interviewing" everyone with ANY possible connection to a Koran since Gulf 
War One, and we have been disappearing people (a war crime BTW) since 
2001.  I've lost count of the number of govt "officials" I've had to 
either talk to, or heard that neighbors have had to talk to, since the 
early 1990s - and I'm certain that there are a *lot* of people here who 
can share that sentiment.

It pisses me of that we spend more money on "foriegn aid" than we do on 
"domestic aid", and that we cook the books openly and with impunity 
(something that amy mere citizen or even State would be dismantled for).



I hate Missouri.  Land of the free, home of the perjuriously deranged.

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