[silk] Bitcoin

Suresh Ramasubramanian suresh at hserus.net
Wed May 18 03:25:37 PDT 2011

On Wednesday 18 May 2011 03:34 PM, Alaric Snell-Pym wrote:
> Yep. I've written about this, and many people have suggested that Tor is
> a way around that: see
> http://www.snell-pym.org.uk/archives/2011/05/12/bitcoin-security/

That's called a pipe dream.

1. Tor nodes get sniffed and monitored, a lot - eg
http://lwn.net/Articles/249388/ so certainly not a substitute for strong
encryption [e&oe mitm attacks in fake tor nodes etc]

2. There's all the "follow the money" aspect that lets the transaction
get traced back to you one way or the other

3. You'll find that - as with most of the other currency equivalents
like webmoney, its all too easy for the service to get a rep for being
primarily used by carders and botmasters [the second highest user
constitutency would be the sort of german geek who pgp signs everything
from a post to mutt-users to an email to his wife reminding her to take
the dog to the vet] <- not sure why its mostly german geeks who do this


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