[OT] Republicons resume attacks on privacy

zzretro999 at email2me.net zzretro999 at email2me.net
Fri Jan 28 04:27:29 PST 2011





-----Original Message-----
From: grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com>
To: or-talk at freehaven.net
Sent: Thu, Jan 27, 2011 2:52 pm
Subject: Re: [OT] Republicons resume attacks on privacy

> The Republicants are back to pushing data retention legislation. :-(

> http://news.cnet.com/8301-31921_3-20029393-281.html




Yeah. And two years is ridiculous. Back in the days of source spoofing,

internet miscreants were tracked for fun through multiple providers and

countries, it took just a few hours if the right people were awake.

Everyone had some form of authentication or location data. And pretty

much everyone kept it for about a month.

The data and subpoenas are there for any real 'exigent' purpose,

primarily because providers need it for their own internal business

purposes. LEO's just need to get off their duff, and if it's such small

potatoes that they don't, well then, by definition, who cares.

> I'd rather twist this into free promotion for TOR instead of hoping that

> some random goverment will /not/ do something like this.

I'd rather people keep writing congresscritters to keep it from happening,

for all the good reasons discussed elsewhere on the net.

Passage of such a law will promote anonymity networks in its own right.

While you're giving in, might as write the draft for them that bans

anonymity networks, because that will be next.

Torproject did a nice job with their new look and the tor users

page. And I know it's politically incorrect for them and hazardous

to the project, but in addition to mentioning China all over the

site as if it's the only twisted place in the world, the US, EU, etc

should get some lip service too by adding another section for normal

people that says 'irresponsible governments'...

"They protect their communications from irresponsible corporations."

Hollow: (intended)
In case anyone has forgotten, legislation was passed nearly eliminating the restrictions on cor-perps from spending as much
as they wish on political candidates. So, your Congresscritters will soon be (they already have been for decades), the Senator
from IBM, DOW, etc. They "no longer" represent you, the citizen. Writing them is like voting. It doesn't work in case you have 
forgotten the 2000 Pez-dispenser election.

It really isn't Republicons or Republicants. OR the Demons from the other party.  It's really AmeriCANTS. The only ones really taking any action,
who are motivated to take action, are those "taking AmeriCANTS actions away!" Most AmeriCANTS are doing nothing but talking or not talking.

Real action is what is needed and that isn't by trying to find new ways and places to hide. Those are running out. Running faster is going
nowhere also. Running further is coming to the end. In 2001, I believe they shut the internet down
completely in Germany, so Tor wouldn't work anyway.  What would is fighting back. Each and every day, in any way 
each person can find. Find something 'they' can do! Later is too late.

Oh, sorry, this is about Tor. Shucks.


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