[Freedombox-discuss] A Simple Server Setup Guide

Nick Daly nick.m.daly at gmail.com
Sun Aug 21 17:12:16 PDT 2011

Hi Freedombox folks,

I find Eben Moglen's ideals and your project rather inspiring.  I found
them so inspiring that I decided to see if I could create a
Freedombox-similar-server to fit my
dehierarchicalization-through-plug-computer needs.

I think I succeeded.  Right now, my server is running in a VM on my
laptop (because I don't yet have a plug-computer) and it's not yet
reachable over the internet (because my router is physically incapable
of forwarding ports) but, right now, it runs just beautifully inside of
128MB RAM, and 2GB disk-space.

Importantly, I wrote up my experiment in a tutorial [0] for any
like-minded person to follow.  If you have the time and interest, I'd
appreciate if anyone on the list could give it a read-through and send
me some feedback on it - improvements, security holes, any comments at
all, really.  Let me know what you think!

Thanks for your time,

0: https://bitbucket.org/nickdaly/plugserver/

PS: I'd appreciate if anyone could offer ideas on how to make
Freedomboxes (or similar servers) reachable over the internet, through
ISPs that fight *really* hard (through their policies and standard
hardware) to prevent users from hosting or serving anything.  I'm
looking for hackier solutions than "change ISPs" because, thanks to the
monopoly American ISP market, that option's mostly irrelevant.  (Is
there some sort of DNS alternative out there?)
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