[cryptography] OpenBSD (fwd)

John Young jya at pipeline.com
Wed Dec 22 13:26:21 PST 2010

There's more to this story by Gregory Perry and several others,
one of which asserts Theo de Raadt is hiding donations from
the tax authorities and provides bank account numbers. Another
explains in detail how the backdoors were inserted. There is a 
good bit of obfuscation going on to exculpate those who cooperated
with the FBI then and now. Not news to these group.


A crypto skeptic would have predicted this outcome of the
"crypto wars." Crypto deception is now commonplace.
Strong crypto, unbreakable crypto, open source crypto,
are now marketing brands not to be trusted. If this is
said in public the guilty starting screaming about "spreading
FUD," as if crypto-FUD is not a premiere product.

User-implementation is the problem, weak passwords, lack
of protection of the boxes, poor sec of the networks, it is said
by the snake oilers, not the algorithm, not the program. Hire
more sec experts, pay them well, hire more watchers of the
sec experts, swear them to secrecy, hire more counterspys
to watch the watchers, foster paranoia by orchestrated
breaches. Plot with G8 to induce G20 to do the same. 

Name the rogues behind the threats, repeat the names often.
Run cracks to blame the rogues. Attack the rogues to induce
counterattacks with hired security experts ready to peddle sec
FUD worldwide. Bribe insiders, expose insiders, jail a few.

Even NSA us spouting that there can be no security on networks,
the answer if more 24x7 staff, bigger budgets, more informants,
more undercover insiders, more A and B teams, more vigilance,
more by god of everything NSA can conceive of. Hurrah, yell
their security contractors and scholarly researchers and
investors and garage-innovators.

Backdoors are obligatory to keep this churning. Imaginary
as good if not better than the real thing. Generate suspicion
among cryptoids. Leak names and foul deeds. Earn a buck.

Not news here. Ho hum, pretend to be bored with it all. Go
find another way to get in on it the sec racket, pray for another
9/11, a thermonuclear Wikileaks insurance release.

There was a time when the answer was read the fucking
archives. Then the archives got contaminated, cherry-picked,
lost, rejiggered, forged, garbled by Google and Archive.org
iterated in multiple unmatching forms, redacted, compiled
as original research and sent to press, exposed as if hidden, 
refuted, disowned. 

Listen, this is the truth.

Did anybody see Jaron's attack on Cypherpunks crypto-rebels
and EFF in The Atlantic as the fountainhead of anti-government 
irresponsibility like Wikileaks? Jaron said he was at the dinner
where cpunks was conceived and he is so happy he did not
take part.

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