"Fed's RFIDiocy pwnd at DefCon"

Jerry Leichter leichter at lrw.com
Tue Sep 1 19:55:31 PDT 2009


"NSA spooks gather for a colleaguebs retirement party at a bar. What  
they  donbt know is that an RFID scanner is picking them out - and a  
wireless Bluetoothwebcam is taking their picture.

Could that really happen? It already did.

(The Feds got a taste of the real world risks of RFID passports and  
IDs at DefCon, the annual hacker conference. According to Wired 
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/08/fed-rfid/) :

. . . federal agents at the conference got a scare on Friday when they  
were told they might have been caught in the sights of an RFID reader.

The reader, connected to a web camera, sniffed data from RFID-enabled  
ID cards and other documents carried by attendees in pockets and  
backpacks as they passed a table where the equipment was stationed in  
full view...."

                                                        -- Jerry

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