When you feel that your manhood is already dead,contact us.

Hal Raines mapperk747 at boxedrobot.com
Mon Apr 27 21:46:53 PDT 2009

messes are piling up around me making it hard to relax and get well i cant cuddle grant or cate- they need to stay well- so they are steering clear of me i am bored and tired and achy

confession  i miss saved by the bell

i am given glimpses of the why and the good and the reasons and the plan the bigger picture and the necessity for some to not fit the mold

hey my little family

a few months in the life of this infertile girl

we lived on a corner in a typical oc tract neighborhood 

what im listening to this morningagain

plan to be surprised

and then i found myself a mother funny i thought id teach awhile longer and have grant all to myself and save some money 

all kits are shipped phew

im just obsessed with him 

Taking the valentines happy girl

Yummy fabric ready to ship

you love him too right

1 make stuff  knit 2 april 3 fond of 4 Crochet Stack 5 noon  8 6 layering 7 7mos 8 afternoon 9 sleepy mama 10 waiting for me 11 Theres only one captain on this boat 12 Very Special Scarves 13 Michelle Williams ♥ 14 new drawing corner 15 the other side 16 Untitled 17 pride and joy 18 steven alan imitation 19 atthestove 20 Untitled 21 film207 22 hi 23 Working 24 Lashes 25 s t i l l  morning quiet time 26 anthem for a 17 year-old girl 27 Untitled 28 reasons for staying 29 Untitled 30 book girl 31 Untitled 32 ships ahoy 33 juk box 34  35 grapefruit & new curtains 36 gams

a conversation today

i went to the fabric store tonight in search of prints to make some new spring scarves with some will probably end up in the shop too i just love this look also i love toast (the catalog and the cooked bread)

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