[IP] Cold Boot Attacks on Disk Encryption

Declan McCullagh declan at well.com
Thu Feb 21 03:57:43 PST 2008


The paper published today makes some pretty strong claims about the  
vulnerabilities of Microsoft's BitLocker, Apple's FileVault,  
TrueCrypt, Linux's dm-crypt subsystem, and similar products.

So I put the folks behind it to a test. I gave them my MacBook laptop  
with FileVault turned on, powered up, encrypted swap enabled, and the  
screen saver locked.

They were in fact able to extract the 128-bit AES key; I've put screen  
snapshots of their FileVault bypass process here:

And my article with responses from Microsoft, Apple, and PGP is here:

Bottom line? This is a very nicely done attack. It's going to make us  
rethink how we handle laptops in sleep mode and servers that use  
encrypted filesystems (a mail server, for instance).

- -Declan

Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> With all of the discussions that take place daily about laptop  
> seizures,
> data breech laws and how crypto can often come to the rescue, I  
> thought
> the readers of IP might be interested in a research project that was
> released today. We've been working on this for quite some time and are
> quite proud of the results.
> Ed Felten wrote about it on Freedom To Tinker this morning:
> http://www.freedom-to-tinker.com/?p=1257

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