uniform pseudo random number generation

Riad S. Wahby rsw at jfet.org
Tue Feb 19 12:02:59 PST 2008

Sarad AV <jtrjtrjtr2001 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> A full period linear congruence generator with modulus
> 360 was used to obtain what is required with the help
> of 40 different seeds. The problem is that i find the
> data too correlated. 
> Hence a much better linear generator,mersenne twister,
> mt19937's 32 bit  implementation was used. It gives
> integer outputs between 0 and 2^32 -1. 360 consecutive
> outputs were taken and (each_output modulo 360) was
> computed. It was found that there are repetitions in
> the output. However i like to have them without
> repetitions.
> Is there anyway to get 'good' uniform pseudo random
> integers between 0 and user_given_limit, such that it
> generates all the numbers between 0 and
> user_given_limit?

It seems to me like the extent to which you can decorrelate the output
sequences is rather limited because of the requirement that each
sequence contain {0..360} precisely once, essentially because the
uniqueness requirement means that each sequence is, to a large majority,
characterized by the entropy at the beginning of the sequence, but not
at the end.

For example, let's say you have generated all but one digit of the
sequence.  Since there is only one unused number remaining, there is no
information encoded in the final digit of the sequence.  Similarly, the
second-last digit is one of only two possibilities, third-last is one of
three, et cetera.  So, at most, the second-last digit has one bit of
entropy, while the first has log2(361) =~ 8.5 bits.

If this doesn't trouble you, it should at least motivate you to attempt
to appropriately weight the digits in the sequence when you measure
correlation (correlation early in the sequence is "worse" than late,
since there's more information encoded in the early numbers).

So then, on to generating the sequence (and then back, briefly, to the
correlation question):

Let's assume you get entropy from an oracle,
	k = rand(state)
(implicitly assuming here that, like in the SysV function, state gets
updated appropriately).  Also, assume the existence of a function
	newarray = delete(k,array)
that removes the kth element from an array and returns a new array with
length reduced by 1, and
	newarray = push(elm, array)
that appends elm to array and returns a new array with length increased
by 1.  Then:

(1) Initialize numarray = {0..360}.

(2) k = rand(state);

(3) nextInd = k mod length(numarray);

(4) nextNum = numarray[k];

(5) outarray = push(nextNum, outarray);

(5) numarray = delete(k, numarray);

(6) goto (2) while length(numarray) >= 0;

This should preserve as much entropy as possible in the generation of
your sequences.

Now, back to the correlation for a second: I claimed earlier that you
had to weight the digits by how much information they contain, but I
didn't talk about how you might do this.  If you generate the sequence
with the above method, I claim that you can easily accomplish this by
saving the sequence of k's that you generate, as long as you are careful
to store each k in a number of bits (approximately, in practice) equal
to log2(length(numarray)) for the corresponding step in the sequence. By
doing this, the early k's are guaranteed to take up more bits than the
late ones; thus correlating the sequence of k's stored in this way gives
a truer measure of the correlation of the sequences.

Just my $0.02 +/- delta...


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