[IP] FBI Preps Award for Biometric Database - New York Times

David Farber dave at farber.net
Tue Feb 5 07:59:36 PST 2008

   [1]The New York Times 

   February 5, 2008

                    FBI Preps Award for Biometric Database


   Filed at 10:37 a.m. ET

   WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and [2]IBM are
   vying for a multibillion-dollar contract to build a database for
   fingerprints and other biometric information that the FBI is set to
   award this week.

   [3]Lockheed Martin Corp. built and maintains the FBI's current
   10-fingerprint database and some analysts consider the nation's
   largest defense contractor the favorite to win the Next Generation
   Identification system contract mainly due to its incumbent status.

   But because the new system is expected to include other identifiers,
   including palm prints, iris scans and facial recognition, the teams
   led by [4]Northrop Grumman Corp. and [5]International Business
   Machines Corp. remain strong contenders, said Stanford Group Co.
   analyst Jeremy Grant. Northrop's team includes [6]BearingPoint Inc.,
   [7]General Dynamics Corp. and [8]Raytheon Co.

   An FBI spokesman on Tuesday said the contract is expected to be
   awarded this week but would not disclose its financial or other terms.

   The deal is viewed as a major upgrade to the FBI's Integrated
   Automated Fingerprint Identification System and should help the agency
   more easily share data supporting anti-terrorism efforts with domestic
   government offices and international partners. It will include data on
   known criminals and terrorists, as well as information on foreign
   visitors to the U.S. whose fingerprints and digital photographs were
   collected under a separate [9]Department of Homeland Security program
   that monitors people entering the U.S. via air, land and sea.

   Privacy advocates, however, say Congress must ensure that the FBI
   system will not infringe on citizens' rights before the government
   spends more than a billion dollars on it.

   ''This system is not ready for prime time,'' said Marc Rotenberg,
   executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center.
   ''Congress must ask tough questions about the impact on the privacy
   rights of Americans.''

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