[CYBERIA] One year down....2 to go

rjasonc rjasonc at GMAIL.COM
Sat Jun 2 14:45:12 PDT 2007

Well I successfully completed my first year and except for Crim Law,
in which the professor hasn't returned the grades yet, all of my
grades improved over the first semester.  It was definitely difficult
going back to school after so many years out but I'm getting back in
the groove.

This summer, in order to keep funds flowing in, I'm going back to work
doing some web development on two websites that both are related to
construction law.  I'll also be doing some pro bono work for the First
Amendment Foundation here in Tallahassee hopefully helping out with
the new commission on Charlie Christ will be forming to reform
Florida's Sunshine Laws.  I'll also be flying up to DC in July
courtesy of the Institute for Justice to attend their student law

Next semester I'm scheduled to take a Cyber Law class which has an
upper level writing requirement.  Generally, one's paper is also
submitted to the law review for publication.  I'm friends with the
editor and she says her main concern with most of the submissions is
that nobody is likely to read them after they're published.  I'm
trying to find something topical that would actually be of interest to
potential readers. Two of the subjects I'm considering are  18 USC
2257 and Regulation of Political Speech on the Internet.  However, if
anybody has any suggestions of anything that might actually be helpful
to any body in the field, please let me know

R. Jason Cronk
"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker
that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. "
Adam Smith

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