[declan at well.com: [Politech] ACLU launches "Don't Spy on Me" campaign; protests [priv]]

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Wed May 24 11:58:57 PDT 2006

On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 02:43:20PM -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:

> I work across the street from the Vesey Street location but I saw no one
> when I went out to lunch today. Which is not to say they weren't there, but
> it can't have been very large.

Collectively, the society doesn't seem to be giving a shit whether
they live in brinworld. Same thing over here. If anyone is raising
a fuss, I don't see much of it. Only the greens and the liberals
(which are more like libertarians, despite the name) seem to care --
but they're forming the opposition. Red/green coalition is a good
match to dems/cons, though minus some wingnut stuff. These are
the ones spouting the islamist turrdorist line.

But of course the major brinworld threat is coming down from
the EU, and completely bypasses the democratic process. Which is
imo one of the reasons why popular support for EU is waning, but
since EU is not a democracy, it's here to stay.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820            http://www.ativel.com
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