Tyler Durden camera_lumina at hotmail.com
Wed May 17 15:06:21 PDT 2006

Oh yeah....

>i'd love to know how much manpower is assigned to defining and tuning
>these filters.  this is a difficult process to be sure.

They'll have a team of SAS and demographics experts somewhere. Given the 
financial services industry, this could be anywhere from half a dozen to 
several dozen people.

>the SunFire V880 is the Narus controller according to the docs and i
>bet the filter updates are pretty frequent.  they might even use an
>IPsec VPN over the backhaul fiber via the cisco/juniper switches

Yes...it's VERY interesting to consider how they are transmitting those 
policy updates. Clearly they have a LAN. Does it use dedicated bandwdith? 
(eg, it's own GbE, for instance) are they in-band with other traffic? (ie, a 
tunneled VPN inside a big GbE?) or are they leveraging some of the unused 
SONET DCC-ish overhead bytes?

The next obvious question could actually cause a knock on the door so I 
won't ask it.

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