[Geowanking] Google Earth as the 'view from nowhere': CFP for the Association of American Geographers 2007 conference

martin dodge m.dodge at manchester.ac.uk
Tue Jul 25 12:29:05 PDT 2006

Hello, I hope this might be of interest to some people on the list.

Call for papers - 2007 Association of American Geographers Annual Conference.
17-21 April 2007, San Francisco, California, USA.

Google Earth as the 'view from nowhere': the spatial politics of
high-resolution satellite imagery

Session organisers:
Chris Perkins and Martin Dodge
Geography, School of Environment and Development, University of Manchester

Google Earth, and various internet portals, offer ubiquitous
high-resolution satellite imagery at unprecedented detail to a global
audience through simple interfaces. The capabilities and technical beauty
of Google Earth, in particular, has garnered wide spread praise and a
rapidly growing fan-base. Given this impact, now is an apposite time for
considered reflection on exactly what can been seen with satellite imagery
and thinking through the spatial politics of newly accessible images of
the world.

Pictures taken from satellites orbiting high above the Earth offer people
a seductively objective view of the world below, termed by Thomas Nagel
the 'view from nowhere'. This mirror-like viewpoint over territory, has
until recently, been for the most part the preserve of military forces and
states have jealously guarded their visual power in the interest of
national security. But recent technological and social change has led to
increasing spatial and temporal data resolution becoming much more widely
available, in large part because the 'mirror' is being commercialised, and
significantly access through the internet portals seems to be offering a
means of challenging the power of the formerly elite discourse.

We invite theoretically informed analysis that questions the ontological
surety of satellite imagery.

Suggested themes:

# Explore the tensions between transparency and secrecy that percolate
debates about access to high-resolution satellite imagery.

# Reflect on the potential for progressive use of imagery by non-state
actors to challenge established power relations.

# Examine the politics of  socio-technical infrastructures and corporate
practices that underpin image dissemination, censorship and manipulation.

# Critique the naturalizing power of the interfaces to systems like Google
Earth, particularly in relation to the military origins of these systems.

# Question the uneven spatial provision of imagery and the commercial
logics of points of interest databases.

# Analyse growing mass media use of high-resolution satellite imagery.

# Evaluate alternative visualities from artists who employ the 'view from
nowhere' to problematize relations between subject and object.

# Interrogate notions of satellite ethics, particularly relating to
individual privacy and community rights.

# Situate the potential of progressive pedagogy employing high-resolution
satellite imagery.

# Assess the cultural meanings attached the imagery and the nature of the
new community of practices emerging (such as 'black helicopter' spotters).

Proposed papers in the form of a title and short abstract (250 words
maximum) should be submitted to Martin Dodge (m.dodge at manchester.ac.uk) by
15th September 2006.

Further details on the paper requirements and registration for the AAG
meeting are at http://www.aag.org/annualmeetings/SF2007/call4papers.cfm


Martin Dodge
School of Environment and Development,
The University of Manchester,
Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK

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