[dave at farber.net: [IP] The connection between NSA wiretapping and telephone industry concentration]

coderman coderman at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 17:11:14 PST 2006

On 1/5/06, John Young <jya at cryptome.net> wrote:
> Yes, the telecomms have been betraying their customers since day one,
> and the ISPs are following that lead. Technology companies may begin
> with pleasing their customers to get a foothold on the bigger market, then
> when the big gov contracts start to come in, then to hell with the yokels.
> And all plead there was no alternative, had to obey orders from the
> government,
> meet obligations to stockholders, our competitors were doing it, and so on.
> Bullshit.

don't trust businesses nor governments with your private bits as much
as possible.  let your ISP freely share those encrypted payloads with
whoever they please.  end to end encryption has been advocated forever
but perhaps now people will be a little more willing to listen.  a
good time for crypto geeks to be a little more willing to look at
ease-of-use / HCI issues for secure decentralized networking.  lots of
failures to learn from...

open source++
community wireless++
decentralized networks++

> Where's the criticism not only of the old telecomm whores and new ISP
> sluts but all the lesser known infosec rent-a-fucks eager to service
> the homesec and counterterror acquisition johns, technologists obeying
> the sales and financial wizards brought in to save the start-ups.

do you have any infosec rent-a-fucks in mind?   choicepoint and the
other datamining privacy invasion businesses get my "fuck you buddy"

infosec sucked in 2005 but this is tangential to
NSA/$TLA/telecom/ISP/datareseller collusion.

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