[dave at farber.net: [IP] Internet phone wiretapping ("Psst! The FBI is Having Trouble on the Line", Aug. 15)]

Dave Howe DaveHowe at gmx.co.uk
Wed Sep 7 21:31:32 PDT 2005

Tyler Durden wrote:
> We need a WiFi VoIP over Tor app pronto! Let 'em CALEA -that-. Only then
> will the ghost of Tim May rest in piece.
  Don't really need one. the Skype concept of "supernodes" - users that relay
conversations for other users - could be used just as simply, and is
Starbucks-compatable. If the feds had to try and monitor traffic for every VoIP
user that could potentially be used as a relay (*and* prove that any outbound
traffic from their target wasn't relayed traffic from another user) life would
get much harder for them much faster.
  Plus of course some sort of assurance that skype's crypto isn't snakeoil :)

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