Tor VoIP, & etc...

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Sun Sep 4 18:03:51 PDT 2005

SQ wrote...

>A Houston (TX, USA) public library? Could be next to impossible, as well
>as excellent cause for revocation of your library card

Oh no! Loss of the Houston library card! My passport to knowledge!!!

>criminal prosecution if caught.

Well, the idea would be not to get caught. I'm thinking basically of just 
adding one of those $40 Tor nubbins at the end of a USB cable and then 
tucking the nubbin under the carpet with a sign saying, "DO NOT TOUCH". If 
it lasts a month then it might be money well spent, particularly if Al Qaeda 
successfully nukes DC.

>Needless to say, I haven't tried. The
>best you could do from Houston libraries would be a proxy accessed via
>HTTPS. At one time you could telnet, but that has long since passed.

Damn. They blocked Telnet? They might as well just block TCP/IP. Do they do 
this by blocking the likely ports or by merely de-balling the protocol stack 
somehow? I assume Tor is smart enough to try various open ports....


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