WiFi Launcher?

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 25 12:06:32 PST 2005

>From: Damian Gerow <dgerow at afflictions.org>
>To: cypherpunks at al-qaeda.net
>Subject: Re: WiFi Launcher?
>Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 12:50:04 -0500
>Thus spake Tyler Durden (camera_lumina at hotmail.com) [25/03/05 10:30]:
>: Has anyone heard of a utility that can search for a WiFi hotspot while
>: driving and then launch an email?

I noticed you did a little editing! Sigh. Few can stand in the light for 
very long, save the various beautiful women that clamor to spread my DNA...

>Someone once said, "Cypherpunks write code."

Yes but I'd amend this to say, "Cypherpunks in the process of becoming 
economically successful probably don't have time to write code but others 
can sure feel free to try..."

>: Sounds possible to me. the only problem might be the need for
>: authentication, etc...in some hotspots, but given enough hotspots surely
>: there are some that don't need it...
>I imagine that, depending on where you're driving, you wouldn't need to
>bother with hotspot authentication: you're bound to stumble onto an open
>WiFi network at *some* point in your journey.

Exactly. And also, no harm in trying several times, the "Johnny Appleseed" 

>Given that there already exists utilities that detect WiFi networks and map
>them with GPS units, I don't think it would take much to, at that point,
>run, say, 'postfix start && postqueue -f'.  Or perhaps mixmaster/mixminion
>might be more appropriate.
>It sounds not only possible, but plausible.  And I'd be surprised if 
>didn't already have this working somewhere.

These days one has to act very quickly in order to create something 
original. The question is, will a TLA do it first and post it, along with a 
TINY little ID tag?


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