OS X in a Classified Environment...

Bryan Jones bryan.jones at m.cc.utah.edu
Tue Mar 1 21:42:48 PST 2005


Nobody currently involved in a classified project is likely to respond
to this question, but here is some historical (and unclassified) data:
I have personally seen the current Vice President putting in on the
Snake River (flyfishing) after using his Powerbook.  Also, OS X has
been used reasonably extensively in at least the FBI & CIA, but the
lack of a couple of GIS programs on the platform were preventing its
use in NIMA and the corollary division within the CIA.  The presence of
OS X within those agencies should not be surprising given that NeXT
systems were used extensively within the CIA with black slabs and cubes
everywhere, even on the secretaries desks which was pretty cool.  Also,
there are a number of current Xserve clusters that are going in to
various mil and gov agencies and operations including some with the
Navy for work in lasers, and a fairly sizable cluster going into an
Army contractor for aerodynamics work.  I would be interested to find
out what happened to the Navy sonar cluster compute project that used
G4 servers running Linux...

As for a bit of trivia, going back a ways, there was a project called
Cluster Knave (I think that was the project name), developed by ONI
running on the old Mac OS that was deployed on submarines for tactical
imagery capture, processing and transmission.  That was most certainly
a classified environment at the time, and one certainly cannot forget
those big clunky TEMPEST shielded Macs.....


>Anyone have OS X in a Classified/secure environment?  Auditing?  Just
>curious...as I may be entering this unforgiving realm.

Bryan William Jones, Ph.D.
bryan.jones at m.cc.utah.edu
University of Utah School of Medicine
Moran Eye Center  Rm 3339A
75 N. Medical Dr.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84132
iChat/AIM address:  bw_jones at mac.com

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