[jrandom at i2p.net: [i2p] weekly status notes [jun 21]]

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 22 09:00:47 PDT 2005

Any idea how much it would cost? How much time is involved? (My constraint 
is the latter and not so much the former.)


>From: Eugen Leitl <eugen at leitl.org>
>To: cypherpunks at jfet.org
>Subject: [jrandom at i2p.net: [i2p] weekly status notes [jun 21]]
>Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 23:28:21 +0200
>Speaking of which, are *you* running a Tor node? You should.
>----- Forwarded message from jrandom <jrandom at i2p.net> -----
>From: jrandom <jrandom at i2p.net>
>Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 09:22:28 -0700
>To: i2p at i2p.net
>Subject: [i2p] weekly status notes [jun 21]
>Hash: SHA1
>Hi y'all, time to start back up our weekly status notes
>* Index
>1) Dev[eloper] status
>2) Dev[elopment] status
>3) Unit test bounty
>4) Service outage
>5) ???
>* 1) Dev[eloper] status
>After 4 cities in 4 countries, I'm finally getting settled and
>churning through code again.  Last week I got the last of the
>pieces to a laptop together, I'm no longer couch hopping, and
>while I don't have net access at home, there are plenty of net
>cafes around, so access is reliable (just infrequent and
>That last point means that I won't be hanging out on irc as much
>as before, at least until the fall (I've got a sublet through
>August or so and will be looking for a place where I can get 24/7 net
>access).  That doesn't, however, mean that I won't be doing as
>much - I'll just be working largely on my own test network, pushing
>out builds for live net testing (and, er, oh yeah, releases).  It
>does mean though that we may want to move some discussions that used
>to go on free form in #i2p onto the list [1] and/or the forum [2] (I
>do still read the #i2p backlog though).  I haven't found a
>reasonable place where I can go to for our development meetings yet,
>so I won't be there this week, but perhaps by next week I'll have
>found one.
>Anyway, enough about me.
>[1] http://dev.i2p.net/pipermail/i2p/
>[2] http://forum.i2p.net/
>* 2) Dev[elopment] status
>While I've been moving, there have been two main fronts that I've
>been working on - documentation and the SSU transport (the later
>only since I got the laptop).  The docs are still in progress, with
>a big ol' scary overview one as well as a series of smaller
>implementation docs (covering things like source layout, component
>interaction, etc).
>SSU progress is going well - the new ACK bitfields are in place, the
>communication is dealing with (simulated) loss effectively, rates
>are appropriate for the various conditions, and I've cleared some of
>the uglier bugs I had run into previously.  I am continuing to test
>these changes though, and once its appropriate we'll plot out a
>series of live net tests for which we'll need some volunteers to
>help out with.  More news on that front when its available.
>* 3) Unit test bounty
>I'm glad to announce that Comwiz has come forward with a series of
>patches to claim the first phase of the unit test bounty [3]!  We are
>still working through some minor details of the patches, but I've
>received the updates and generated both the junit and clover reports
>as necessary.  I expect we'll have the patches in CVS shortly, at
>which point we'll put out Comwiz's testing docs.
>As clover is a commercial product (free for OSS developers [4]),
>only those who have installed clover and received their clover
>license will be able to generate the clover reports.  In any case,
>we'll be publishing the clover reports on the web periodically, so
>those who don't have clover installed can still see how well our
>test suite is doing.
>[3] http://www.i2p.net/bounties_unittest
>[4] http://www.cenqua.com/clover/
>* 4) Service outage
>As many have probably noticed, (at least) one of the outproxies is
>offline (squid.i2p), as is www.i2p, dev.i2p, cvs.i2p, and my blog.
>These are not unrelated events - the machine hosting them is hosed.
>I'm working on getting it back up though, at which point those five
>services will be back in operation.  Just an FYI.
>* 5) ???
>As there isn't a dev meeting on irc this week, if anyone else has
>anything to bring up, please feel free to post up to the list or the
>forum.  I've been following the discussions on the list, the forum,
>and in #i2p while I've been away, and have been glad to be able to
>sit back and let other people answer most of the questions.
>I do appreciate the patience people have had with the slow down in
>releases as well, and realize that in some projects that would be
>cause for alarm.  I2P is not, however, one of those projects - I've
>been working on it fulltime for more than two years now and will not
>stop until the needs that have been driving it are met.  I am not
>wed to particular technologies for technologies sake, but merely
>follow what seems to be the best path from here to where we need to
>be, and as far as I can tell, we are still following the best path
>available.  This summer, fall, and winter look to be a very exciting
>time in the anonymity field.
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>i2p mailing list
>i2p at i2p.net
>----- End forwarded message -----
>Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
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