[IP] The DNA round-up on Cape Cod (fwd from dave at farber.net

Major Variola (ret) mv at cdc.gov
Wed Jan 12 19:31:36 PST 2005

The Beast doesn't know who licked the stamp.  A fiducial sample is what
they want.

In Calif, they could merely arrest you for a bogus charge to have the
to sample your families DNA as carried by you.

Schwarzenegger is not Austrian accidentally.

GATTACA was optimistic.

At 06:02 PM 1/10/05 +0100, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>I live in the town of Truro on Cape Cod about 4 or 5 months out of the
>This past week, the Truro has been on the national news because the
>police are attempting to obtain DNA samples of all men of the town in
>to solve a three-year old murder case.  Here are a couple of the
>that give the details of what is going on in this DNA round-up:
>   To Try to Net Killer, Police Ask a Small Town's Men for DNA
>   http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/10/national/10cape.html
>   Truro abuzz over 'swab' DNA testing
>   http://www.capecodonline.com/cctimes/truroabuzz7.htm
>I am headed back to my Truro house later this week.  If I am approached
>the police to provide a DNA sample for their round-up of Truro males, I
>planning to refuse.  However, I just realized that I already gave a DNA

>sample to the Town of Truro recently.  I paid my property tax bill to
>Truro tax collectors office two weeks ago.  My DNA is on the tax
>envelope that I licked.
>Envelopes are apparently a good source of DNA material according to
>   DNA on Envelope Reopens Decades-old Murder Case
>   http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/news/wabc_052103_dnaarrest.html
>Richard M. Smith
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