Winning still matters, etc...

John Young jya at
Sat Oct 30 17:50:00 PDT 2004

Hoover Institution says it all. Heh.

Will to win is the opium of warmongerers, Nietszchean
armchair blowhards.

Come on, Bob, you did the philosophy turn, poke holes
in the blather coming from these righteous pedants hustling
for the military/natsec ghouls, extorting the public for
expensive useless hardware, exhorting families to 
breed dead-heading patriotic youngsters.

Rhetorical bloodlusters, they be, who never took a bullet 
in the spine, no spine in fork-tongued snakes.

Put these vapid thinktankers in a veteran hospital toting 
bedpans, sniffing gangrene, hearing a quadriplegic
beg god to headchop clubhouse shits who drunkenly
cry for war.

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