US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)

Tyler Durden camera_lumina at
Wed Oct 27 12:23:26 PDT 2004

"The remaining communists have made some
psychological recovery - see for example Tyler Durden's
peculiar version of recent history, where in his universe the
communists actually won and are still winning,"

Again, you live in a world that's evenly divided between black and white. 
Since I'm not white you figure I must be black.

To reiterate a point your world view does not seem prepared to understand, 
communism (like Whabism these days) is a fleeting ideological counter-pole 
to the perceived evils of America and capitalism. To make an analogy, let's 
say someone on the street tried to force-feed you the most healthy food in 
the world at gun point. There's a good chance that, after that, you will not 
eat that healthy food any longer because you perceive it to be "evil". 
Likewise with Imperliasm and free markets: The more we try to shove it down 
the throats of the Islamic world the more they will reject both us as well 
as whatever we're trying to give 'em.


>From: "James A. Donald" <jamesd at>
>To: cypherpunks at
>Subject: Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)
>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 10:41:39 -0700
>     --
>"R.A. Hettinga"
> > > This is actually the running fantasy in Marxism since the
> > > 1950's, when it turned out that that, instead of the
> > > "workers" eating the "bourgeoisie" by the firelight or some
> > > Glorious Revolution or another, would instead be come
> > > "bourgeoisie" themselves.
>John Kelsey
> > I think this bit gets at the heart of why the Islamic
> > fundamentalists are hard to deal with.  For most people I
> > know, some notion of peace and prosperity is the thing we
> > want from our governments. [...]
> >
> > The Islamic fundamentalists can't offer that.  [...] No
> > peace, not much prosperity, but a lot of capital-P Purpose.
> > A place in history, a part of the Jihad.  In this sense, it's
> > a lot like Marxism was, back when it had serious adherents;
> > it's a mass movement, like Eric Hoffer talks about.
>Mass movements of this kind require the promise of inevitable
>victory. When communism suffered one decisive, uncomplicated,
>unambiguous defeat, the dominos fell one after another all the
>way to Moscow.  The remaining communists have made some
>psychological recovery - see for example Tyler Durden's
>peculiar version of recent history, where in his universe the
>communists actually won and are still winning, and similarly
>the Islamists have made a considerable psychological recovery
>from Afghanistan, but the ideal of date with destiny tends to
>lose its appeal when you keep picking yourself off the dirt
>with a bloody nose.
>In Iraq we face a guerrila movement, and discover, yet again,
>that guerrilas can only be defeated by local forces - and the
>boys from Baghdad are not all that local.  This gives the
>Islamicists renewed hope.
>So what do you do, if, like Israel, you face terrorists
>embedded in a local population that supports thems sufficiently
>they can melt into the people?  Withdrawal did not work, for
>the terrorists keep sending car bombs and the like from their
>stronghold, as in Fallujah.
>What worked in Afghanistan was to find some local warlord we
>could live with, someone in no hurry to get his six pack of
>virgins, someone who might want to put sacks over the heads of
>the women of his town, but had no grandiose ambitions to stuff
>all the women of the world into bags, and then we cut a deal
>with him - we help him his slay his enemies, he helps us slay
>our enemies.
>Unfortunately the US plan to bring democracy to the middle
>east, and to preserve Iraq as a unitary state, keeps getting in
>the way of this sort of deal.
>     --digsig
>          James A. Donald
>      6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG
>      o32eoG4KhmccNjDBkOW9upEtn8Lka3zsooGJn8lY
>      4dMgCNOmt5z/S3km7vma/L6RECrRaVEmnhEZ4E2hb

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