Airport insanity

J.A. Terranson measl at
Sun Oct 24 11:22:36 PDT 2004

On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

>  You guys just keep making up facts.
> There were no branches of the armed services in the towers.
> You are just spouting bullshit, like the story that Osama Bin
> Laden was trained by the CIA, that Saddam was installed in a
> CIA coup, and all those similar lies made up to rationalize
> terror.

OK - I'm out of this "discussion".  This is either just the worlds most
elaborate troll, or Donald's brain is dense enough to used when we finally
run out of depleted uranium.


J.A. Terranson
sysadmin at

	"An ill wind is stalking
	while evil stars whir
	and all the gold apples
	go bad to the core"

	S. Plath, Temper of Time

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