The Full Chomsky

James A. Donald jamesd at
Thu Nov 11 11:02:52 PST 2004

Tyler Durden wrote:
 > What a fucking idiot. The 3000 were already dead, the 'famine' was
 > about-to-be. A Chomsky nut could say Chomsky helped avert complete
 > catastrophe [...]
 > But this misses the point. Mr Donald will no doubt chime in
 > yammering on about Chomsky's "lies", but that also misses the point.
 > Chomsky makes very strong arguments supporting a very different view
 > of world events, and he often quotes primary and secondary sources.

No he does not quote primary and secondary sources.  He purports to
paraphrase primary and secondary sources, When he actually quotes, as
he rarely does, he quotes only very small fragments in elaborate and
contrived false context, often using made up quotes which resemble,
but differ from the original in vital ways.  The "famine" in
Afghanistan is a case in point, which has already been discussed in
the newsgroups.  The sources in original context did not make the
claims he attributed to them.

I have provided a paragraph by paragraph comparison of source
materials with Chomsky's claims about source materials for the issue
of the Khmer Rouge - see, but the same
story could be written, and indeed has been written, of everything he
writes.  If you complain that his lies in support of the Khmer Rouge
are old news, I will do a similar number on his more recent lies about
the Afghan famine.

          James A. Donald

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