Anonymity of prepaid phone chip-cards

Major Variola (ret) mv at
Fri Mar 26 23:03:07 PST 2004

At 08:39 PM 3/26/04 -0600, Black Unicorn wrote:
>Keeping calling cards from leaking information probably isn't possible.

>Limiting the information leaked to that which is already known or is
>is probably the best bet.   Using separate cards for separate
operations /
>cells and immediate disposal seems pretty critical.

Moral of the story: when using your 802.11b card for those
special messages beamed into someone else's LAN,
(just before you incinerate it after its sole use), make
sure you bought it in another city, with cash of course.

It is rather surprising that paranoid americans (albeit a few years
ago) would be so clueless when UBL & Palestinian targets^H^H^Hleaders
are getting a grip.


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