Mixmaster is dead, long live wardriving

Major Variola (ret) mv at cdc.gov
Sun Dec 12 14:08:41 PST 2004

At 06:01 PM 12/11/04 +0000, Justin wrote:
>On 2004-12-11T06:48:41-0800, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
>> Mixmaster is the most godawful complex thing to use, much less
>> administer, around.  Even Jack B Nymble is complex.  It needs a
>> luser interface and something to piggyback servers on.
>Not necessarily.  Mixmaster is trivial to use with Mutt.
>1. Compile Mixmaster

You've already lost 90% of your possible hosts

>2. Put the binary in some directory somewhere.
>3. Configure Mutt with --with-mixmaster  (sadly not enabled by default)

>4. add the line 'set mixmaster="/location/to/bin/mixmaster"' to .muttrc

>5. mkdir ~user/Mix/
>6. Add a script to crontab that does:

You're obviously talking about some fringe unix-like OS...

>7. When sending email, at the summary page just before sending, hit

And if you forget then your message is sent to the To: recipient.  Nice
easy-to-screw-up UI there :-(

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