[discuss] TV ALERT: TechTV Music Wars (fwd)

Declan O'Reilly doreillyi at sympatico.ca
Fri Sep 12 19:38:27 PDT 2003

Hope I am doing this right , first time poster

Jim Choate wrote

> TechTV (Austin Digital Cable 239) is hosting a 2.5 hour special tonight
> at 7:00 on file sharing issues, RIAA legal activities, etc.  They are
> replaying it tomorrow night at 5:00PM and again Monday at 12:00P and
> 5:00PM.  I'll be taping it and will figure out the "right way" to share.

What an aggravating show , most disapointing. But then I am not really
surprised. On the one side ,you had persons from EMI , Mavrick , and Ira
Dean from some country band , and on the other , you had John Perry
Barlow from the EFF , as Well as Chuck D. The show was moderated by Leo
Laporte ,and interviews done by Mickela Perria(sp).

So , the usual suspects spouting their own opinions ,and party lines.
The upshot is that the recording industry is still fighting a rear guard
action , wishing to move the downloading over to a pay per download biz

Declan O'Reilly

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