"If you use encryption, you help the terrorists win"

Joe Block jpb at ApesSeekingKnowledge.net
Mon Oct 27 10:41:10 PST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Oct 26, 2003, at 3:57 PM, Jurgen Botz wrote:

> 1) The general public doesn't really use crypto... partly because
> it's "off the social radar", partly because it's just too difficult,
> etc., etc.  As a result the TLAs can employ the kind of Orwellian
> mass surveilance they would like and get useful information out of

> So I think that they've learned that they really get the best of
> both worlds with the status quo, and I don't see any indication
> that they are about to rock this particular boat.  This may change
> if the public infrastructure starts using more crypto by default
> and people use better key management (smart cards?) but I don't
> think that's really all that likely... at least at the moment
> there doesn't seem to be any good momentum in that direction.

It's becoming easier for the public, though.  Apple's new Mac OS X 10.3 
includes S/MIME built into the mailer.  No more watching their eyes 
glaze over as I explain to my friends that they first have to install 
GPG, then find a plugin for their mail program, then try to teach them 
to create & send people keys.

I prefer the GPG model of relying on people I actually trust to certify 
a key belongs to who it claims to belong to than relying on a 
corporation, but at least this will start people thinking about 
securing their mail.

- -- 
Joe Block <jpb at ApesSeekingKnowledge.net>

The fetters imposed on liberty at home have ever been forged out of the 
weapons provided for defense against real, pretended, or imaginary 
dangers from abroad.
  - James Madison
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


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