[s-t] How a backdoor in the Linux kernel was thwarted (fwd)

Jamie McCarthy jamie at mccarthy.vg
Thu Nov 13 06:45:44 PST 2003

amerritt at spasticmutant.com (Spastic Mutant) writes:

> Someone broke into a server at kernel.kbits.net and inserted
> the following code into the Linux kernel:

The code was inserted into a CVS mirror of the kernel.  The kernel
itself is stored and updated in BitKeeper, primarily on a machine of
Linus's, and then copied to a public BitKeeper archive, and from
there to the CVS mirror.  Neither BitKeeper machine was not broken
into and their code was not changed.  So it's arguable whether the
change, which was caught within 24 hours, constituted changing the
Linux kernel.  I would argue no.


and I'm told that this coverage is good, but you and I aren't able
to read it for a week :) http://lwn.net/Articles/57135/
  Jamie McCarthy
  jamie at mccarthy.vg


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