Weekly Social, Project Planning, Open Forge - RIP

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Sun May 4 21:20:06 PDT 2003

Asymmetric Clustering...

          Distributed Name Space...

                    Global Sign-on...

                              Guerrilla Networking...

                                        Open Source Technology...

Do these words make your heart beat faster and your breath go shallow?
If so then perhaps you should become involved with Hangar 18. We are
a tit-for-tat group of computer hobbyist of a wide range of skills
intent on building the next computing infra-structure using Open Source
technology. We don't focus on any one form of technology but instead
focus on real world applications in grid or large scale distributed

Time:                May 8, 2003
                     Every Thursday, excluding national holidays
                     7:00 - 9:00 pm (or later)

Location:            Buffet Palace, N. Lamar @ I-35 @ Anderson. In
                     the parking lot in front of Hobby Lobby.

                     The location varies from week to week so be sure
                     to check with an active Hangar 18 member (or
                     join the mailing list!) for more information.

Identification:      We'll be the group with the Plan 9 OS box on the

As some of you who come to the weekly meetings will be aware there has
been a cash flow issue regarding the T1 and extending projects through the
Open Forge domain. Well it finally came to a head after nearly 18 months
of trying to find a way around the issue. Because of cash flow and an
increasingly unstable work environment with respect to the other sponsors
of the T1 feed it will be phased out over the summer. This does not mean
any immediate changes for at least the next 4-6 weeks. It does mean we
will lose the T1 and possibly the Phantoms's Mansion site. We will
continue to operate the SSZ site and at the appropriate time the resources
hosted through Open Forge will be migrated to SSZ. One of the first two
things I need to do is up my bandwidth from the current ISDN to a SDSL
(~384kb/s both ways v the current 128kb/s total). One nice thing about
this transfer is my monthly net feed bill will go down by about $50. So
I'm not complaining about that. It also means that I'll take over the
operation of the DNS so we will once again have full support for alternate
domain names (ie .ssz, .cpunks, etc.). The other aspect will be the
tranfer of all the current services (eg mailing lists) over to SSZ. In the
interim I'll be working to add new services (eg IRC) on the SSZ site
since its clear no such work will happen on Open Forge. We will give at
least a couple of weeks notice prior to the change so hopefully it won't
take anyone by too big a surprise.

Rob and I had been in the proces of upgrading the Open Forge Hangar 18
page. We will continue with that effort but will mirror all material on
SSZ so that when Open Forge goes down the transition should be very
smooth. This will -not- effect any services or projects other than the
basic services on Open Forge. The OAON, 802.11a/b, 802.16, 900MHz
repeater, Plan 9 Auth services & namespace, development services (Anyone
using Cons currently?), Squeak VRML, etc. will -not- suffer as a result.
Further, this will -not- effect the commercial Open Source technology
development efforts planned via In Silica other than perhaps allowing us
to move forward on some specific projects -earlier-  than we had currently


      We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I
      are going to spend the rest of our lives.

                              Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"

      ravage at ssz.com                            jchoate at open-forge.org
      www.ssz.com                               www.open-forge.org

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