The Holocaust (sm) (tm)

James A. Donald jamesd at
Sat May 3 00:57:13 PDT 2003

On 2 May 2003 at 12:50, David Howe wrote:
>   I personally think the biggest problem with almost any
>   label of
> universal disgust (and "Holocaust denier" is almost as good
> as "pedophile" for this purpose) is that it gets abused as a
> method to suppress unrelated or marginally related
> discussion. Holocaust denier is a bad label for someone who
> (for example) doubts the "skin lampshades" story - they
> aren't denying the holocaust, they are arguing for the
> untruth of a selected fact;

Its a perfectly accurate label.  We have good evidence for the
skin lampshades, and why would anyone raise the issue except to
white wash nazism?   The people who are posting in this list
that recently existent communism is not so bad, also post that
capitalism is really terrible.  Obviously they want to do it
all over again.  Similarly the people who deny the skin
lampshades, also argue the Jews had it coming.  Hitler did not
skin them, but he should have.


         James A. Donald

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