The Streisand imagecriminal lives 2-3 parcels away from me

Tim May timcmay at
Tue Jun 3 13:53:44 PDT 2003

On Tuesday, June 3, 2003, at 11:48  AM, Bill Stewart wrote:

> At 11:00 AM 06/03/2003 -0400, Sunder wrote:
>> That's all nice and good, but why should it be on cypherpunks?  
>> Where's
>> the relevance to this list?  Why is Ken, or his addres or helipad an
>> interest to the cypherpunks?  Why is PG&E's monopolistic's actions 
>> against
>> him relevant to the topics of this list?
>> What's next?  The Cypherpunk Equirer?
> Well sure - because not all the Black Helicopters flying over Tim's 
> house
> have belonged to Feds/UN/etc. - one of them's probably been Ken's :-)
> I've also found Tim's comments on Pynchon living nearby interesting.
>> IMHO, neither he, nor the Streisand creature have any relevance here -
>> there perhaps was some relevance in terms of that lawsuit the bitch
>> started, but, who gives a shit who your neighbors are?
> I'd say issues of putting aerial photography on the internet and
> how that changes the status of previously "secret" information
> are pretty close to our core issues - they're not directly 
> cryptography,
> but neither are the "guns, lots of guns" discussions.

And neither are the 15th or 23rd essentially duplicative discussions of 
PGP or Mondex or SSL or crypto exports very interesting or useful.

I have no idea who pissed in Sunder's Wheaties, but he is of course 
free to skip any articles and concentrate on the ones that interest 
him. Volume on the list is now a fraction of what it once was...and yet 
still much repetitiousness dominates. Sunder could consider subscribing 
to a "Best of" list...wait, doesn't he _run_ one? Problem solved.

I was not the one who brought up the Streisand sut...that was a posting 
by Major Variola on Friday. I thought it was pretty interesting that 
the aerial photographer is a neighbor of mine. This is, after all, not 
the same as listing neighbors who have not been mentioned...this is 
more akin to there being some talked-about crime case here and having 
John Young or Declan say "That guy is my neighbor across the way." 
Interesting to know where people live, with even less techno/privacy 
relevance (such as hearing that Gary Condit lived near where Declan 

Added to the fact that I see his helicopters circling low over my 
property (which explains some of the close encounters of the chopper 
kind in recent years), and the privacy/Brinworld implications 
(mentioned by M. Variola), and the sheer coincidence that I had just 
returned from my first flying lesson, I felt the need to post.

Also, about 50-60 people were at the meeting/party at my house last 
September, so they have some (perhaps slight) awareness of which hills 
and nearby areas I'm mentioning.

Sunder should put me in his killfile for a while...I am doing that for 
his posts, for a while.

By the way, the Adelman situation also has a few other interesting 
tidbits. The company Adelman and his partner formed was called "TGV." 
Located in Santa Cruz, the names suggested _speed_, as in the French 
train of the same name. Lore has it that the real origin was "Two Guys 
and a Vax.

Adelman also founded Network Alchemy.

TGV was sold at the peak of the Internet boom to Cisco and Network 
Alchemy was sold to Nokia. Adelman cleared at least a few hundred 
million dollars.

--Tim May
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a 
monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also 
into you." -- Nietzsche

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