Fwd: [IP] Gilmore bounced from plane; and Farber censors Gilmore's email

Major Variola (ret) mv at cdc.gov
Mon Jul 21 08:22:10 PDT 2003

At 11:36 PM 7/20/03 -0700, John Kozubik wrote:
>On Sat, 19 Jul 2003, Steve Schear wrote:
>> >remove a small 1" button pinned to my left lapel.  I declined,
>> >that it was a political statement and that he had no right to censor

>> >passengers' political speech.  The button, which was created by
>Where do these ridiculous ideas come from ?  If I own a piece of
>property, like an airplane (or an entire airline) for instance, I can
>impose whatever senseless and arbitrary conditions on your use of it as

Except that you entered into a contract to transport a human in exchange

for money.  No where in the contract was "banned speech" mentioned.

Suppose that instead two men were kicked off a flight for holding hands,

or a woman & offspring for breast-feeding.  That would be a violation of
the transportation
contract.  Because such behavior does not endanger the flight or
(Although all behaviors cannot be enumerated, under a "reasonable"
common-law interpretation
of the contract, passive speech (vs. say screaming the whole flight) is

Private property rights, of course.  But contract law too.

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