Singers jailed for lyrics

Major Variola (ret) mv at
Tue Dec 30 17:56:43 PST 2003

At 07:48 PM 12/26/03 -0500, Michael Kalus wrote:
>Then I guess you better start liberating the world.

If I were a neocon asshole, I would.  Instead, I regard liberation as a
local task, and interfering with sovereignty as the initiation of force,

ie an act of war.

>Nice... So in the US you have :
>- Walmart which censors music to make it "clean".
>- Blockbuster who edits movies (or has in the past, not sure if they
>still do)
>- TV Stations who edit movies
>- Censors at TV stations who "watch" over the programming.
>- What about the FCC who restricts what can be aired?

You need to be clear: only governments can censor.  Walmart
etc can do whatever they want.  That's what private property
means.  You don't have a right to put your bumper sticker on
my car (compelled speech, see the 1st), or prohibit me from putting my
sticker on my car.
(I just drove 400 miles in a car with the US flag upside down and
"Fucked" written over it.  Its a magnetic sticker I remove when I travel

with my pharmaceutical of choice.)

TV stations which exploit the aetherial commons are a tricky case.
The government licensors have to be very careful not to induce

>> Fuck censors dead.
>I agree.

Well, ok then :-)

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