Sunny Guantanamo (Re: Speaking of the Geneva convention)

Michael Kalus mkalus at
Fri Dec 19 11:02:08 PST 2003

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> The US has global hegemony because in reality its policies are 
> reasonable,
> because it isn't worth anyone's while to try to oppose it.

that I would like to oppose. It is rather the fact that in the past it 
wasn't very feasible. The world is getting smaller. People can fly 
airplanes now in every part of the world. What you see happening right 
now is what happened back in the late 1800s and in the early 20th 
century when the colonies started to rise up.

The difference this time around is that the oppressed have the ability 
to strike back where it hurts: In the homeland.

None of the colonial powers got away with it forever, sooner or later 
the price was too high and to think that the US is above the lesson 
learned it will be in for a rude awakening.

> European calculations are the same: the potential cost of challenging 
> the
> US is incalculable, the potential gain relatively miniscule.  Come on,
> let's go down to the pub instead.

Still... I wouldn't count on it though. China is picking up steam, the 
EU is expanding and the fight over Iraq let Europe to move closer 
together, not further apart.

Aznar and Berlusconi did what they did because they tried to have a 
voice in the EU that was mightier than it really is (they are afraid to 
loose subsidies when the EU expands eastward). Berlusconi also is on a 
power trip and tries to become the next Duce in Italy.

Chances are neither of them will survive for much longer. Even with the 
Berlusconi controlled media in Italy people took notice.

The little bit of democracy we have might still make a change.


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