Superpowers distribute 750,000 shoulder-fired missiles, cook their own gooses

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Tue Aug 19 00:40:40 PDT 2003

At 04:38 PM 08/17/2003 -0400, Tim Meehan wrote:
>The CIA's official explanation of the event, even to this layman, is
>aerodynamically impossible.  Let me say that the TWA 800 coverup has a lot 
>to do
>with my cynicism about what really happened on 9/11.

The Feds spent a lot of time saying "We haven't proven it's not terrorists"
"Just in case it's terrorists we'll impede your right to travel"
"Could be terrorists, but we haven't definitively ruled it out"
"Civil rights?  What civil rights?"  "Be afraid, it might have been terrorists"
"No, we're not requiring the airlines to demand ID, that's voluntary"
"Unabombers under the bed!"  "Of course you need Gov't ID to travel"
"Really, we're in control, trust us!"
"Those aren't the civil rights you're looking for"

"[expletive deleted]!  Looks like it was an electrical problem on TWA800"
"Give *what* civil rights back?  You've *always* had to give ID to travel!"

The real coverup was that the Feds didn't have the jurisdiction
to impose travel controls on Americans, but they could get the airlines
to claim that the Feds were requiring them to do it, which the airlines
liked because it reduced the ability of travellers to resell cheap tickets,
and that when the ostensible terrorists were accounted for
(TWA800 was a genuine accident, and Teddy the K was caught),
they weren't going to reduce their controls or lying,
because they really *liked* controlling our travel.

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