politically corrent terms of color

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at pobox.com
Wed Aug 6 13:58:01 PDT 2003

At 01:59 PM 08/06/2003 -0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
>Tim May wrote...
>         "Where did this "of color" nonsense get started?"
>Like a lot of PC terms...from guilt-ridden white liberals. Black folks 
>never use this term, as far as I've ever heard. Likewise with "physically 
>challenged". My black karate Sensei used to periodically laugh at the 
>shame and embarassment associated with any speech "coloration"...to the 
>point where some people won't even mention skin color when describing 
>another person.

"Of color" isn't just blacks - it's also Mexicans and other non-whities.
I think some of the whiny liberal politicians I've heard use it
have been African-Americans of color (as opposed to white immigrants
from South Africa or Rhodesia.)

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