Quarantines may be justified

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Tue Apr 29 17:03:48 PDT 2003

On Sat, 19 Apr 2003, stuart wrote:

> Smoking in public, that's an easy one to pick on. But the argument
> holds no water, unfortunately. Find me RELIABLE, UNBIASED evidence that
> second-hand smoke is actually dangerous, and I'll agree to ban smoking.

Bullshit line of reasoning (actually your whole line is pretty much tits
up but why waste precious time). It's not a matter of 'proof'. It -is- a
matter of interfering with others. Note they are not saying you can't
smoke, they -are- saying that you can't make them smoke along with you.
There is this concept called 'consent'. You seem to be missing it.

You can do what you want until it interferes with what another wants. If
they want to breath unpolluted air and drink clean water then there is
nothing that gives you the right to pollute either outside of -your-
immediate vicinity.


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      are going to spend the rest of our lives.

                              Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space"

      ravage at ssz.com                            jchoate at open-forge.org
      www.ssz.com                               www.open-forge.org

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