Censorship: state bans games that kill pigs

Thomas Shaddack shaddack at ns.arachne.cz
Sat Apr 26 15:36:17 PDT 2003

On Fri, 25 Apr 2003, Justin wrote:
> Don't forget zero tolerance.  If caught, they'll be suspended or
> expelled or transferred.

Digital media have an advantage over drugs. They don't smell, can't be
sniffed, a piss test won't reveal you played a "wrong" game, and you can
store an ISO image in your iPod. Makes things more difficult to enforce.

Another advantage is that the digital media could replace the drugs as
"forbidden fruit", which is more healthy. Also, crackdowns on
game-swappers could be perceived by public in much different way - while
the Society is conditioned for decades that Drugs Are Bad, this is about
"just silly games".

With good management, this could be used to find public support for "zero
tolerance to zero tolerance". A guerrila tactics, of maneuvering kids of
local officials into stings, could make things interesting as well; kind
of similar to planting books in the houses of firemen in Fahrenheit 451.

> I've never understood the concept of expulsion from public school
> before age 16.  "You must go to school" then "you must not go to
> school" seems rather silly to me.

Cultural question: I never understood the concept of expulsion. How it
works, why it is used?

We never had it here (.cz). Can't it be one of the factors our juvenile
criminality is quite lower?

> I guess it's better to have them running around neighborhoods in gangs
> with real guns than going to school and using chicken strips to shoot
> at teachers.


(We used the tubes from one kind of mechanical pencil as the guns and
little paper balls as the ammo. Especially good if the target had dark
hair and a certain kind of hairdo where they stuck.)

> About the cd swapping, maybe their parents will go to jail, too.

By what twist of law? Nobody can supervise ther children 24/7, not when
the corporations are squeezing more and more "productivity" (read: work
hours) from them.

> That's going to be really productive for shaping the child's or young
> teen's perception of society.

Will teach them to hide their activities from the eyes of the ones with
power. Could be the most useful thing they learn at school...

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