Turnabout is fair play

Tim May timcmay at got.net
Mon Apr 14 10:44:05 PDT 2003

On Monday, April 14, 2003, at 07:26  AM, Ken Brown wrote:

> It occurs to me that the "Project for the New American Century" 
> people's
> well-known despite for international law and treaties and the UN is
> ...

> They recognise that the USA is the strongest military power in the
> world, at least for the next few decades, and they want to use those 
> few
> decades either to prevent anyone else catching up with them or (because
> they aren't so stupid as to believe they can get away with that for
> ever) to remake the rest of the world in their own image so that if
> Europe, China, or India ever again draw close to them in economic or
> military power we will have been conditioned to behave in American 
> ways.
> They despise the idea of international law or treaty obligations.

Speaking of the next couple of decades in the United States, I'm going 
to be chortling when a leftist President takes power and uses the same 
tools the Right is now using:

-- pre-emptive wars not declared by Congress (let alone not for clear 
and present danger reasons)

-- PATRIOT Act snooping, illegal searches, and unlimited detentions

-- the whole system of police state measures

-- a Homeland Security Director that would do Fidel Castro or Ralph 
Nader proud

APRIL, 2009. WASHINGTON (Routers) -- President Clinton today declared 
that the illegal regime in Switzerland must be removed to protect 
American from tax cheats and corporate criminals. She cited the Bush 
Doctrine as justification. She urged the Swiss government to lay down 
their arms and report to reprocessing centers in Coalition of the 
Willing nations like Lichtenstein.

OCTOBER, 2010. WASHINGTON (Routers) -- Administration officials 
announced today the detention of another  4000 illegal combatants in 
America's war on unauthorized communication systems and other terrorist 
devices. "These high tech criminals have been helping the drug dealers 
and have undermined our approach to stamping out tools for tax 
evasion," said Homeland Security Director Kweizi Mfume.

Mfume noted that last summer's raid on the illegal "Crypto" conference 
had netted more than 150 information terrorists. He added that some are 
cooperating and may be moved from Guantanomo to U.S. processing 

--Tim May

"Al Qaida was never the real threat...Afghanistan is."
"Aghanistan was never the real threat...Iraq is."
"Iraq was never the real threat...Syria is."
"Syria was never the real threat...stay tuned."

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