"Learn the hush-hush secrets of making BIG money on the Web"

togold at arabia.com togold at arabia.com
Sat Sep 14 05:02:44 PDT 2002

There is only one way to make money on the Web ...Bulk E-mail. 
But that can be downright dangerous if you don't know the secrets
of doing it right...specifically, the hush-hush secrets used by Mastercard,
 Polaroid, AOL and all of the professional bulk mail companies! 

Now you too, can capitalize on these techniques to build a six-figure income
in the next six months thanks to a new $20 program called "Web Fisher".
To learn how, get our FREE "Untold Secrets" booklet today. There's no cost 
or obligation....just excitement and hope for a better financial future! 
Get it now! Just send a blank email, with "Secrets" in the subject line, to

togold at cairomail.com  type "Secrets" in the subject line
Best regards,
See you at the top
Timothy Swift. 
This is Unsolicited Commercial E-mail. To be removed from my list, hit reply
and type "remove" in the subject line. 

Kind Regrads
Tim Swift
See you at the top

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