War Games Gulf style.

Matthew X profrv at nex.net.au
Sat Sep 7 04:10:56 PDT 2002

Wake-up call
Article based on an interview with retired Lt Gen Paul Van Riper, the 'wily 
64-year-old Vietnam veteran' who 'sank most of the US expeditionary fleet 
in the Persian Gulf' during a recent war game organised by the Pentagon - ' 
"You're going to have to use cellphones and satellite phones now, they told 
me. I said no, no, no - we're going to use motorcycle messengers and make 
announcements from the mosques," he says. "But they refused to accept that 
we'd do anything they wouldn't do in the west." ' ( Guardian )
See also this Army Times article from last month, and this transcript of a 
US Defense Dept briefing from last month.LINKS
The Troubling New Face of America
'We have ignored or condoned abuses in nations that support our 
anti-terrorism effort, while detaining American citizens as "enemy 
combatants," incarcerating them secretly and indefinitely without their 
being charged with any crime or having the right to legal counsel. This 
policy has been condemned by the federal courts, but the Justice Department 
seems adamant, and the issue is still in doubt. Several hundred captured 
Taliban soldiers remain imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay under the same 
circumstances, with the defense secretary declaring that they would not be 
released even if they were someday tried and found to be innocent. These 
actions are similar to those of abusive regimes that historically have been 
condemned by American presidents'
( Jimmy Carter via Washington Post )
'Donahue' for Sept 5
Transcript of yesterday's edition of Donahue, a US public affairs 
programme, during which investigative reporter Greg Palast was interviewed 
about the electoral assistance George W Bush is giving his brother Jeb in 
Florida ( MSNBC )
The Florida state pension fund is heavily invested in Enron, apparently
(for the record I can't stand Donahue/Carter but we are in a 'kingdom of 

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