Psuedo-Private Key (eJazeera)

David Howe DaveHowe at
Thu Nov 21 01:21:19 PST 2002

at Wednesday, November 20, 2002 7:19 PM, Tyler Durden
<camera_lumina at> was seen to say:
> More than this, they will have
> unknowingly destroyed the real data.
Not possible in the real world - you will only be reading from the
message to create the "decoded" image, not overwriting it (under any
if the system required a overwritable message, then it both wouldn't
work with most email software, and would be presented with a *copy* of
the email by any attacker anyhow. Replaying and/or re-downloading email
is trivial.
Systems such as Disappearing Inc are good examples of this sort of
snakeoil though - attempts to make email "expire" that can be broken by
replacing the official executable with one that caches the keys.

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