maximize best case, worst case, or average case? (TCPA)

Ryan Lackey ryan at
Sat Jun 29 21:18:57 PDT 2002

[summary: "TCPA is a tool which even if not necessarily always used
for DRM applications, and other far more evil applications, is
dangerous enough that it must be killed to prevent the introduction
of, and legal mandate for, these DRM and other more evil
applications.  People should be prepared to make some sacrifices to
accomplish this goal."]

(long rambling exposition follows: overview, possible worlds, possible
means of resistance, my suggested integrated course of action)


The current TCPA argument is, I believe, the beginning of a three
staged war, with the ultimate potential loss being all freedom.  It is
much bigger than the issues of security for applications or of
copyright.  A conspiracy does not need to have conscious participation
by all parties; those with knowledge of the entire situation can do
enough simply by failing to act at key points, rather than taking
affirmative action.  Completely valid agendas can be piggybacked in
order to get other aims accomplished.


Yet, as much as I hate the idea of TCPA, the concept behind it has a
few legitimately useful security applications I can see, and has been 
something I've thought about for years in a specific area.  
While there's a good debate about TCPA with respect to general purpose
computing, that kind of "the secure hardware module IS the company"
computing is a useful model for some specialized tasks.  Hardware
crypto modules which allow general purpose computation already operate
in this mode, and as long as the architecture is open (device
certified by one authority, code published and signed, secure and
deterministic/duplicable toolchain, certain device functionality like
"publish hash of executing program" available, users choose which
hardware modules, software vendors, etc. they trust), it can be a tool
for good.  Admittedly a tool which can be easily perverted for evil.

Being able to secure the entire platform on which a given piece of
code is executing, and to publish guarantees about that security to
users at a distance who will have reason to trust those guarantees, is
undeniably useful for a certain class of applications.  Ironically,
some of these applications themselves are key to liberty.


DRM systems are obviously something a lot of media execs lust after,
even out of proportion to the commercial realities, since they
inherently like control and hard ownership.  I'm sure most content
creators at the direct creation level would rather see more users for
the same profit; non-creative people in the industry of creation would
prefer to see the same revenue from a smaller population, as it leaves
a larger potential untapped marketplace.

DRM systems embedded in general purpose computers, especially if
mandated, especially if implemented in the most secure practical
manner (running the system in system-high DRM mode and not allowing
raw hardware access to anything at any time on the platform, rather
than trying to allow concurrent open and closed operation a la CMW),
and in a closed manner for revenue protection purposes (only
rich people get to sign the code, or at least only the keys of rich
people are widely distributed by default, and anything else requires
special operations by the user), are evil.

(There's the whole debate about the role of copyright, piracy, content
ownership, etc., which I doubt will be resolved any time soon, and I
think tying it too closely to the TCPA/DRM/etc. debate is dangerous,
as the intermediate results might suck a lot -- hopefully the
copyright and general economic restructuring debate will take a lot
longer than this particular issue of hardware restrictions)


Aside from the issues of legitimate security, and DRM, there's a third
hidden agenda behind the restriction of general purpose computing
hardware -- the removal of a very powerful tool from the public at
large.  While not stated even by the paranoids :) who claim TCPA is
obviously a wedge for DRM, it seems the logical conclusion.  Large
commercial enterprises, governments, and the like have a fear of
everyone in the world having tools of the same power; for the most
part, a single laptop computer is effectively the same as the sum of
all other machines in the world, for many critical applications.  Auto
companies would certainly be displeased by a $5 trivially distributed
tool to create cars, just add water, at basically zero marginal cost;
without means of protecting their franchise from limitless
competition, commoditization, and decentralization, companies need to
compete based on speed and agility of innovation.  There is no economy
of scale in that, indeed, massive diseconomies of scale.  

General purpose computers are the equivalent of "just add water" (or
beer, or chemical of choice) and produce products and services.  As
such, they should rightly terrorize any organization which does not
compete purely by being the best, most dynamic, most innovative
competitor, any organization which uses its current position in the
world to try to maintain control over the future, in a static way.
That would seem to be the very definition of a government, or of large
commercial or non-commercial organizations.

All of the "evil" applications of computers, like anonymous
communications, could easily be eliminated by requiring a true-name
identity for all code, and optionally only certifying Approved
applications at some future date.  A more practical way of
accomplishing roughly the same thing is requiring that all
communications have true names attached, or some kind of potential
tracing, built in at the low level, rather than requiring every
high-level application to be certified; the key escrow battle of years
ago can be retroactively lost in this manner -- just make identity
info be included on all transactions, and then have a master key to
break the crypto on the processor)

II. Five possible worlds


1. As I see it, the best outcome would be for TCPA to just go away right
now, after some kind of mass public rejection, similar in motivation
to the marketplace rejection of intel processor serial numbers, etc.
However, if it just disappears without being soundly defeated and the
territory sown with salt, it will come back in a couple years.

2. A moderately tolerable case would be if TCPA is implemented in a
completely open way, and simply not used except by highly specialized
applications (not even commercial rights-management, but
user-specified actions like operating a "wallet agent" or whatever).  
If it is simply so crude and annoying to use as to be
commercially unviable, but still distributed and used occassionally
for a while, that would be this case.  This would be TCPA as the
HP/etc. people claim it is intended, although there are strong
arguments that this is not the real motivation.  DivX (old version)
would fall somewhere between this and #3; a failure in the marketplace
vs. unencumbered technologies.

3. What would suck, but not completely, is if it is used
extensively for rights management on commercial content, such that
third-party media can be manipulated in compliance with a (possibly 
broken, but not en masse) DRM scheme, but user-created, or Free
content, can also be processed easily, and in parallel.  The system
can be used with the equivalent of "self signed keys" or whatever
fairly easily, without requriing reboots, and a viable distribution
strategy exists for such content.  Pirated/liberated versions of
formerly closed content could be redistributed effectively, and it's
up to pricing/market/users/etc. whether to use a pirated copy or a DRM
licensed copy.  (defense against piracy would be focused solely on
preventing legitimate copies from being used illegitimately, not on
preventing post-liberation content being distributed/used).  This is
effectively how DVDs work today, given that CSS and RPC are widely
defeated, and DivXes are available.

4. A bit worse would be if TCPA can only be used by rebooting the system,
or even requiring completely independent hardware (but still sold
through mainstream channels, and not a black market).  The
inconvenience of this would make using any non-DRM-managed media
(either user-created, or products of cracking the DRM system by a few
technically elite users, and then distributed to less informed users)
basically impractical; it would be an all or nothing, DRM or Open,
option.  The best case form of this is the DRM system being
constrained to a set top box, and the "media convergence" dying; it's
really just going back to 1980 and staying there.  In this case,
DRM is used by default on most systems, and affirmative and complex
user action is required to turn it off temporarily.  All-or-nothing.
Liberated copies of licensed content are enough of a pain to use to
force licensed content for most users, but DRM is also applied of
necessity to even legitimate-source content, lowering overall functionality.
This is "defense in depth" for preventing media piracy; preventing
liberated versions of content from being used effectively.  This is
basically the same as distributing DivX if RPC 2 becomes highly
effective in the future.

5. The worst case would be TCPA mandated everywhere, in the most restrictive
way, with a fairly impotent resistance to this, and basically no
trusted secure computational devices in the wild (#5).  There are
issues far more important than copyright at stake when the right to
own a general purpose computing device fully under the user's control
is lost.  The DRM can be used to enforce other restrictions later,
unrelated to copyright -- only identity-linked document creation is
permitted, just like with high quality photocopiers or CD duplication;
only those with government licenses can use certain kinds of tools, etc.
This is the dystopia of Gibson.  People would smuggle in illicit
pre-ban CPUs just like they do with firearms today; instead of
automatic weapons buried in the back yard, parents could pass on to
their children a hermetically sealed case of Intel Pentium IIIs.
About the best outcome of this is that criminals would pay for the
services of hardware hackers, and hacking on hardware would be as cool
as cooking drugs is today, which might over time draw the right kind
of people into electrical engineering programs.  (and imagine protest
songs, 60s style or ghetto gangsta rap style, extolling the virtue of
a particular kind of logic gate or op amp)


As I see it, we could put all efforts into maximizing the chances of
#1, even though it may increase the odds of (4,5) vs. (1,2,3).  Or, we
could put all effort into preventing #5, even if that increases the
chances of (2,3,4) vs. (1).

What I'm genuinely in terror of is #5.  I'd be fairly comfortable with
(1,2) from philsophical grounds (and actually, some of the uses in #2
are things which interest me).  1,2,3 are probably tolerable even from
a wanting-widespread-piracy standpoint, and really, anything but #5
(and to some extent, #4) is tolerable in terms of protecting computers
for anti-government use.

Also, this is by no means a one-time challenge.  If we get #2 to
start, it seems likely there will be an eventual slide toward #5,
unless there is some kind of great line in the sand beyond which they
cannot cross. As we've seen with the continual erosion of explicitly
protected liberties over the past century or two, this seems
ultimately futile unless there are powerful and commercial interests
constantly defending these liberties.  (This is why religion, and to a
lesser extent press freedoms, have won out over gun rights)  
Unfortunately the powerful commercial entities may be on the wrong
side of this one, unless everyday business views this as a loss of
control over critical IT infrastructure.


As for actual approaches which could accomplish various strategies:

A) A public protest to "shun" TCPA as evil seems most likely to
accomplish 1 or 2, although if it fails, 3, 4, 5 are of unchanged
likelyhood (perhaps 5 would be a bit harder).  Focusing on the "they
want to take certain powers away from the user of the computer"
argument is sufficient for individuals, but TCPA could co-opt
businesses by claiming some of that power will be put into the hands
of MIS; a different argument would need to be made for corporate users.

B) Simply making the tools for DRM be inconvenient will mostly
confine it to #1 or #2, but UIs improve over time, so this is impermanent.

C) Focusing on killing the Hollings bill, etc. would reduce chances of
5, but would seem to leave the other options as unchanged.

D) Good DRM technical circumvention measures can make 1, 2, 3 pretty much
isomorphic.  (analog: the drug war, with draconian regulations
circumvented by brave Men of Commerce and Chemistry).  This is betting
on the difficulty of the DRM problem, and the incompetence of the
implementing teams; maybe a good bet for a while, but by the time they
get to 3.0, it would be a difficult challenge.

E) Good open-source and open-content can make 1, 2, 3, 4 the same as
1, by ensuring users turn off TCPA and simply refuse to use anything
protected by TCPA.  Truly effective piracy technology can do the same
thing for licensed content, but it would need to be so good that all
content is created by third parties, not by the licensed owners, much
like mp3 and divx today for most users.)  A world where #4 is tempered
only by the strength of piracy isn't all that satisfying since some
people have a moral need to obey the law.

F) Some kind of agreement by the majority of users to simply obey
basic anti-piracy anti-circumvention anti-encryption etc. practices,
in exchange for no technical restrictions.  This seems unlikely;
ultimately people like getting free media, a lot, and it can become a
tragedy of the commons.  Also, this battle is initially about
security, then about DRM, but then, I believe, ultimately about
getting the most powerful weapon in the modern world, general purpose
computing hardware, out of the hands of the populace.  This would
eliminate the demand for DRM on the part of the copyright holders

G) Elimination of copyright as a legal concept, obviating the issue of
legal protection for copyright.  This would eliminate option #5, and
make #1-3 highly likely; it becomes a pure technical battle, and that
is one the free world can win.  However, this does nothing to address
the non-DRM reasons for wanting this technology; preventing "evil"
applications on general purpose hardware.

H) Option 5 is probably so distasteful as to make it impermanent; if
it passed, any responsible citizen would resort to the canonical soap,
ballot, jury, ammo progression (although, given temperaments, not
necessarily in that order.)  The mass of distributed hardware and
information would make resistance most effective immediately after
passage of legislation; once secure hardware is taken away, secure
communications will wither, which makes organizing effective
resistance difficult.

One might question the sanity of being willing to escalate to the barricades
to defend one's right to secure, anonymous, private,
communications, but I think it is a legal and ethical obligation, once
all other avenues are exhausted, of every citizen of a free country.



So, I think my take on all of this is that it's worth doing the

* Trying to kill TCPA/DRM right away, through public protest, shunning
everyone involved with to any degree (boycott of all products which
include it, at least when viable alternatives exist, products of
companies which are involved with it or have other products which
implement it, etc. Promotion in the press of all the potential evil of
scenario #5, and focusing the debate on #1 vs. #2,3,4,#5 as much as a
binary choice as possible)

* Promote and publicize failures of TCPA/DRM systems to the extent
possible; emphasize any serious losses of security, privacy, control,
etc.  Try to come up with byzantine failures specifically to shake
public confidence in the systems.  The WTC-aftermath Windows XP
lockouts are a good example.  "Why we don't have automobiles with
speed governors centrally set to <max speed limit> -- because
sometimes there are overriding legitimate reasons to break the law".
People have an inherent revulsion to having power taken away from
them, even if they never used that power in the past, and would be
unlikely to do so in the future; this should be marketed.

* Technical circumvention of all DRM mechanisms to render them
impotent, and make them as intrustive/annoying as possible to be
effective, so as to be commercially unviable.  Ideally people wouldn't
even watch DRM-protected movies, but I think as long as no revenue is
received by the offenders, it should be ok (if there's a war, you
don't engage in commerce with the enemy, but stealing all their
resources is a good in and of itself)  This mitigates the actual harm
done if TCPA/DRM are adopted by vendors, without compromising the TCPA
vs. no-TCPA debate.  This also shakes vendor faith in DRM/TCPA systems.

* Shadow distribution networks for original and "liberated" content to
the extent possible, such that it is EASIER to get warezed versions of
all content, make use of them, etc., than to use the legitimate
option.  DRM actually helps with this, to the extent that it makes
full use of legitimately purchased media as difficult as possible.

The risk is of course good circumvention and distribution networks can
be used as arguments for TCPA/DRM by the enemy; however, this shifts
the argument into #1,2,3,4 vs. #5 space, which is good.

* Vigorous protest, with unlimited escalation potential, against the
Hollings bill and any future bills, using all required means.
Preventing world #5 is my absolute highest goal, so as to keep the
battle in the technical arena where better software can solve the
problem, and where general purpose hardware is retained as a tool for
other, more important wars as well.  

* A social agreement among all reasonable people to not make use of
TCPA or DRM in their applications; to not require links to real-world
identity to operate their systems; to allow anonymity, security,
privacy, etc. wherever possible.  The sacrifice is not using general
DRM-capable security technologies even if for non-DRM applications, to
make those DRM-capable systems ineffective in the marketplace.  This
is *WAY* more evil than using MS IE-specific HTML tags, or requiring
SSNs for database keys, but the short-term benefits are probably
greater...this will be difficult.

* Obviously, don't work for companies or organizations which intend to 
develop TCPA or DRM applications, or which advocate their legal enforcement.  

* Stockpile effective munitions, cryptographic and otherwise, against
the worst case option #5.

* Develop ways to do the few good things TCPA could do with
technologies not so easily perverted for evil.  Distributed,
decentralized systems; security-specific coprocessors, simply
minimizing the amount of private information required and collected at
the original point of interaction, rather than trying to protect it
once collected, etc.

* The ultimate copyright and intellectual propery debate, which will
likely not be resolved for decades.


However, I'm not sure of a few things:

* Is it worth making applications actively hostile to TCPA?  Doing
this risks making your application less widely used, and might make
the legitimate TCPA version win.  I think the best compromise is to
allow the user to do what he wants, but to ensure no revenue or other
advantage goes to the TCPA/DRM deploying organization...maybe if the
damage is greater than the payment it would be acceptable too.  Maybe
DRM cds should be playable, but by ripping the DRM cd and distributing
unencumbered mp3s at the same time.  This is probably an individual
question based on the market position of the official vs. resistance

* To what extent does having a viable technical circumvention system
in place both reduce the intensity with which people will fight the
imposition of controls (since they don't matter in practice), and
support arguments by the enemy for harsher DRM systems and legal

* To what extent is the loss of efficiency/security/etc. to large
companies not affiliated with DRM/TCPA/restriction of computing by
having those technologies deployed outweighed by the advantages to the
enemy organizations?  A slight improvement for major powerful
organizations, at the cost of the destruction of some relatively
powerless organizations, is probably going to go ahead; whereas
castrating some important but not dominant organizations may not be
acceptable, even if it results in a slighr improvement for more
powerful organizations.  However, I think big companies will all fall
into the "use regulation to prevent competition" camp, and thus
support the technology, even if they don't benefit from DRM.  Plus,
political lobbying is non-linear; if people care less than a certain
amount, they have no voice at all.

* Just how dead do you need to kill this idea to make sure "Never
Again"?  At a minimum I want the glowing wasteland left to be so bad
that people won't even think about going near similar ideas for a long
time, and that anything even remotely comparable will have as one of
the first debates "why this isn't like TCPA".

* Some of the steps suggested can make it impossible for anything like
TCPA/DRM/neutered computing from being effective in the future, if
implemented.  What additional steps can be undertaken to make sure
even if a similar thing passes in the future, it will have no effect?
This would seem to require removing whatever powers would be used to
implement these restrictions; SCOTUS rulings or constitutional
ammendments would be sufficient, as would be some kind of "arsenal of
democracy" to defend against such things.  Clearly the Traditional
Cypherpunk Applications are needed now, more than ever, as a check
against the powers of evil.

Ryan Lackey [RL7618 RL5931-RIPE]        ryan at
CTO and Co-founder, HavenCo Ltd.        +44 7970 633 277 
the free world just milliseconds away
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