Vinnie is looking for work..

V Alex Brennen vab at
Fri Jun 21 17:47:39 PDT 2002

At the cypherpunks meeting in SF during CodeCon, I think it was
Dave Del Torto who asked for a show of hands of punks looking
for work.  It was better than half.

With the economy starting to improve and rumors of a trickle of 
VC money, now might not be a bad time to try and launch a start
up. I know Sandy was trying to get something started down south.

I've been spending allot of time on cypherpunk type projects,
but with a day job progress has been slow and hard.  I'd be 
interested in joining a company to work on something that could 
translate into technical progress for the cypherpunk movement.

I think there's good opportunity in digital signature 
applications, PKI alternatives, and reputation systems.
Unfortunately, I don't see opportunity with electronic
currency - at least not in the US.

		- VAB

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