Emergency Indicators, Current Events

Wilfred L. Guerin Wilfred at Cryogen.com
Sat Jun 15 02:42:06 PDT 2002

[Please CC "Wilfred at Cryogen.com" all responses.]

In light of the forthcoming Tyrany/Dictatorship with the all-honest
fed-gestapo, and resulting from Fox's display of (attached image) upon the
takedown of their entire server array immediately after posting
*legitimate* inquiry/articles, I search and notice a severe lack of
publicised listings of the conventional emergency indicator images, the old
cold-war type warning symbols, and there is absolutely no publication
(disappeared, with a *heck* of a lot of other "safety" and
counter-hostility information) of any of the response directives, nor can
we find openly a listing of the symbols and their interpretations

This, along with the current events and other issues, indicate a heightened
expectation for public outcry with the forthcoming events, some of which
are apparently delayed/late, as the common populus has not yet revolted
about the oil profit federal terrorists, nor other issues... 

The concern, is for the 40% population who comprehends the existance of
emergency response protocol, and the 2% that will actually do something
about it, there is absolutely no publications currently with any
information on this topic. FEMA has eliminated print/stock, the nuke
warning symbols are still posted, but only for power-plant issues. CD/etc
are all whitewashed... 

Now, with this said... I know this symbol (from Fox) as being a warning
that the xmit arrays and content feeds have been compromised... It has been
standard since half a centuary ago... Applied, theorhetically, to the
server array, if corporate isnt under siege.

Now in the current time of war, when most of this is actually going to be
put to use for the first time, and we need it (prior, of course, to going
to the concentration camps (see '90's policy)) ... it is very obvious that
*someone*gestapo*terrorist*feds* has eliminated virtually all digital
information on all emergency, logistic, and any other related topic
whatsoever... Google looses content constantly, we know what happened to
archive.org's repositories from last fall, etc... 

And the only thing I have left of the CD/EMS indicators is an old photocopy
with a few of the generic decals... 

So what does a simple human do when entities start declaring omega
privleges in attempt to save the population?

Or have the doomsday logistics been effectively terminated by the feds as

I'm gonna bet hanging an amerikan flag upside down is now treason and
punnishable by on-site rifle blasts to the back of the head.

For discussion... 

-Wilfred L. Guerin
Wilfred at Cryogen.com

[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/gif which had a name of sec_emergency02.gif"; x-mac-type="47494666"; x-mac-creator="4A565752]

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