noise under linux speak freely (fwd)

Eugen Leitl eugen at
Tue Jul 9 02:26:26 PDT 2002

Anyone using USB headsets with speakfreely under Linux? I'm having trouble 
getting it to work.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 10:27:20 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Ivan Popov <pin at>
To: Chris Jensen <lamda at>
Cc: speak-freely at
Subject: Re: noise under linux speak freely

On Mon, 8 Jul 2002, Chris Jensen wrote:

> Hm! You don't describe which Linux distro and if you have compiled yourself
> and with which flags?
> I have had similar  problems , knowing HW was OK , and not yet worked it out
> . Actually I am at the state where I ask: can SF really work under Linux!  Of
> cause , but sometimes more tricky than others ;)

SpeakFreely works "itself" very good. It is its interaction with the
drivers that is far from perfect. Unfortunately John is apparently busy
with other things and has no time for improving the program.

Neither me (who complained regularly and who read the source) have enough
time to contribute to SF.

Speak Freely for Unix needs a rewrite of logic when it outputs
sound. Your problems may be caused by very different matters, but anyway
if you feel motivated - figure out from the source what is supposed to
happen and then you may find why it breaks for you.

The current sound output design is old and made in different
circumstances than Linux computers are now. Hope somebody will redo it.
Native ALSA support may help in case OSS does not provide the necessary

Best regards,

                      * * *

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