Amerika Uber Alles

mattd mattd at
Sat Jan 12 13:39:34 PST 2002

Amerika Uber Alles (Again)
by Manuel Miles
Note to anti-police-state/antiwar activists everywhere: the "new
McCarthyism" is nothing new, as its name might even suggest.  It's as 
Amerikan as apple flag and The Pie.  The USA has been a goose-stepping,
imperial state since at least the early nineteenth century, and it's not the
first state of its kind in history either; not by a long shot.
Witch hunting, as its name also suggests, is not a new practice in the USA.
The Salem trials were the instrument of statist mass hysteria of their day.
History then hurls the Alien-Sedition Act at us, followed by the Trail of
Tears, Lincoln's mass imprisonment of dissenters and dissolution of the
legal government of Maryland, the persecution of German-Americans in Part
One of the World War and of the Japanese-Americans in Part Two, Joe McCarthy
and the House Un-American Activities Committee, the left/right coalition
against them dirty hippie peaceniks during the War Against Viet Nam, and
numerous other rounds of totalitarian terror campaigns which I haven't the
time and space to even summarise because it's the entire history of the USA.
So wake up and smell the decaf; this is no change of direction or sudden
loss of imagined freedoms which the Imperial USA State never deigned to
grant its serfs in the first place.  A slight lessening of the harassment of
dissenters occurs when the Empire is not feeling either particularly
rambunctious or particularly threatened, but as soon as it hits one of its
expansionist peaks, the pretence and the gloves both come off.  Both wings
of the Empire's ruling oligarchy have dropped their masks recently, much to
the apparent astonishment of Libertarians and peaceniks who should not have
been surprised in the least.
First, it was "discovered" with great cries of shock that liberals were
suddenly become gung-ho warmongers, as if there were no historical record of
Wilson, FDR and LBJ--all three of whom had campaigned as "peace candidates"!
Next came the "shocking revelation" that the so-called neo-cons were
actually not opposed to massive expansion of government powers (even in the
domestic arena of education where Bush, with the collaboration of a major
Democratic Senator, is poised to sign the biggest, most expensive
federal-interference-in-education bill in US history).  As for the absurd
self-deluding hopes that the neo-cons would actually oppose imperial wars of
expansion, the recent bloodthirsty, fascistic positions of the fifth
columnist "libertarian/neo-con" Cato Institute and Free[sic]Republic have
revealed any such pipe dreams to be just so much political opium smoke.
Now, all over the Internet, one can read of how shocked the naive among the
antiwar forces are.  This doesn't speak well for how well we have educated
ourselves, especially in world and USA history.  I can only conclude that
too many of the younger generation of Liberty-lovers have not read enough
history and that, worse still, we older ones have not bothered to educate
Look for that to change.  We need a massive, ongoing "teach-in" for
ourselves and the rest of society as well, and I am starting it.  Your first
assignment, peaceniks, is to read MANY histories of Rome.  If you fail to
see the parallels to the Amerikan Empire (and all others), then you should
drop out of the school of Liberty; you belong with the fifth columnists at
the Cato Institute for Imperial War and Expansion.
For those who want to read ahead, after you have done your research into
ancient Rome, try reading actual USA history.  Surprisingly enough, there is
some of it out there, buried among the gloss-overs and paeans to the glory
of the Imperial State(s).  If you have any desire to be nostalgic for the
wonderful American past of freedom and opportunity, etc., etc., blah, blah,
blah, then you had better not poke your nose into the snake pit that is
historical Amerika.
Consider this to be fair warning; more will follow.
January 10, 2002
Manuel Miles, aka Kaptain Kanada, is a politically incorrect writer from
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  He is rude, nasty, intolerant, insensitive,
hateful, hurtful, and proud of it. If something he writes hurts your
sensitive New Age feelings, don't bother to whine to him about it; he
doesn't care.  He is a self-professed enemy of the state, and his personal
goal is " die fighting for Liberty.

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