Only users lose drugs.

mattd mattd at
Mon Jan 7 20:32:23 PST 2002

Subject: Only Users Lose Drugs... [WAS!WAS: Chronicles of Arnold 0000 0011]
Gee, I sure hope no one posts this to the CypherPukes Disturbed Male LISP...
[WAS: "Please, Br'er Fox, Don't Throw Me In That Liar Patch"]
HGWells - New World Order - Cira(SS) 1940
"One of the more unpleasant aspects of a state of war under modern 
conditions is the
appearance of a swarm of individuals, too clever by half, in positions of 
authority. Excited,
conceited, prepared to lie, distort and generally humbug people into states 
of acquiescence,
resistance, indignation, vindictiveness, doubt and mental confusion, states 
of mind
supposed to be conductive to a final military victory. These people love to 
twist and censor
facts. It gives them a feeling of power; if they cannot create they can at 
least prevent and
conceal. Particularly they poke themselves in between us and the people 
with whom we
are at war to distort any possible reconciliation. They sit, filled with 
the wine of their
transitory powers, aloof from the fatigues and dangers of conflict, pulling 
imaginary strings
in people's minds."
The more the stains on the back of the world's shorts change, the more
they remain the same...
~ButtMonger #05987-196 [Herb Caen 3Dot-Plagerist &OR& TCM PlonkFile 
Naturalized Citizen]
"Anarchy! Together, We Can Make It Happen"

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